Mail Address Only Membership

Set your small or home-based business or non-profit organization apart with a professional mailing address. For only $39 per month, we offer a business address and mail handling services.

  • Do you need a professional address for your business license or for business mail? We’re the answer. All postal mail can be sent to our address. We contact you the same day it arrives and hold it until you pick it up.

  • We can also accept packages from suppliers and shipping carriers (boxes up to a maximum of 24” wide x 24” high x 24” deep and maximum 30 lbs.). We’ll sign for your package and alert you the same day when one has arrived.

  • Mail and package pick up is available during regular office hours of Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

  • Are you applying for a business license in Chilliwack? We will provide you with information that you will need when completing the form on the City of Chilliwack’s website.

Click on the button below to sign up. Your credit card information will be encrypted and stored with Stripe and subsequent monthly payments will be processed automatically on the same day of the month as your start date. Cowork Chilliwack and Currency Marketing Inc. do not have access to or save your credit card information.